Saturday, July 26, 2008

Two-thousand-and-one seems a very long time ago now... The Millennium celebrations were slowly receding, George Bush junior stepped up to the presidential plate and Jaguar released its smallest car, the X-type. Remember that? Now all the launch hubbub has died down, the X-type has soldiered on into old age with barely a facelift to its name; the addition of an estate helped of course, but the X-type's fortunes have reflected those of Jaguar as a whole. It's not been selling especially well and Jaguar flogged just 32,500 last year worldwide (down from a high of twice that the year after launch). BMW sold more than half a million 3-series models last year. Time for Jaguar to act, then... The facelifted X-type will be seen later this year, going on sale in spring 2008.
So what's new on the facelifted X-type?
Jaguar is wielding the surgeon's knife inside and out. We hear that the changes will be akin to those foisted on the XJ luxury car, itself recently facelifted. So expect nothing radical: there will be a new grille (just visible under the disguise in our shots), different bumpers and side mouldings, fresh paint colours and new wheels. The shots at the rear show a newly emphasised Jaguar blade, the chrome strip across the bootlid.

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